Image Credit: KABAM | MCOC Team
A special Boss Rush has become available to celebrate International Women's Day from March 8, 10:00 AM PDT until March 22, 10:00 AM PDT. Try to defeat these unique challenges to earn rewards and exclusive Titles from the following Content Creators:
- Dragonfei
- Starfighter0717
- Cat Murdock
- Ms.Insomnia
- Katy Candy
- lola2pawz (Laura Grant)
- Interstellar Warrior
- Frosty Jawbreaker
- Top Banana
- Duchess of Darkness
- The Lady Dragon
- Cat-alyst Cruncher
If you find yourself struggling, don't worry! Each of these creator have made guides on the best strategy for tackling their fight.
Here you'll get details about Boss Node Details + their counter :
💥 X23 (1st Boss)
⚡ Global Node -
- Champion Boost : +100% Attack & Health.
- Health : +100% Health.
- Special Thanks : This fight created with the help of lola2pawz (Laura Grant)
- Metador Node: The attacker gain 1 bar of power every time the Defender Activated a Special Attack. This is the only way the attacker can gain power in this fight.
- Spite Node - While opponents hace active Buffs, This champion acativates power flood out of spite, granting 18% Power per seconds and special attacks a 100% chance to be Unblockable.
- Godslayer Node - Special attack benefit from 50% increased critical hit damage.
- Indomitable Node - the Defender's healing abilities can't be reversed when this would occour they are instead only prevented from Healing.
Straight forward fight no need any specific counter champ. still if you want to know you can bring :
- Ghost
- Corvus Glaive
- Omega Red
- Captain America IW
- Yondu
- symbiote supreme
- Warlock
- Captain Marvel Movie (Synergy With Nick Fury)
💥 Medusa (2nd Boss)
⚡ Global Node -
- Champion Boost : +100% Attack & Health.
- Health : +100% Health.
- Special Thanks : This fight created with the help of Cat Murdock
- Warning : 3rd special attack has been activated!
- Counterstrike Node : Using the Dexterity Mastery to dodge an attack grants the attacker a passive fury charge, increasing their attack rating by 5% per charge. At 10 fury all charges are lost and the Defender's attacks are Unblockable for 15 seconds.
- Pilfer (Regenration) -3 Node : Any Buff activated by the attacker has a 20% chace to be pilfered, Nullifying the Buff and giving the Defender a burst off 20% power over 2 seconds. Regenration buffs have triple the chance to be pilfered.
- Invade Node: Both champions have 100% Block Penetration and 300% increased attack when hitting a Block.
- Cornered Node: Whenever Damage over Debuff is applied to the Defender, they gain 300% more power for the duration of that Debuff.
- Morningstar
- Doctor Doom
- Corvus Glaive
- Stark Spidey
- Captain Marvel Movie (Synergy With Nick Fury)
- With Any Champ Just Hit on Medusa's Block (Most important Note)
💥 Wasp (3rd Boss)
⚡ Global Node -
- Champion Boost : +100% Attack & Health.
- Health : +100% Health.
- Special Thanks : This fight created with the help of Ms.Insomnia
- Warning : 3rd special attack has been activated!
- Spiked Armor Node: Spiked Armor provides further protection when struck by a critical hit, increasing this champion's physical resistance by 20% for 5 seconds. Additionally, 6% attack as physical damage is dealt back to the opponent.
- Dismay -2 Node: Whenever attacker loses their highest achived combo in a fight, then gain Degenration Debuff that deals damage every second equal to 20 times the lost combo.
- Enhanced Shock Node: Shock abilities are 40% more effective.
- Plagued Mind Node: Attacker's power is drained every 20 seconds.
- Nick fury
- Omega Red
- Warlock
- Captain America IW
- Colossus
- Thing
- Ghost
- Archangel
- Captain Marvel Movie (Synergy With Nick Fury)
- Crossbones
- Elektra
- symbiote supreme
- Human Torch
- Dormammu
- Havok
💥 Emma Frost (4th Boss)
⚡ Global Node -
- Champion Boost : +100% Attack & Health.
- Health : +100% Health.
- Special Thanks : This fight created with the help of Katy Candy
- Warning : 3rd special attack has been activated!
- Kinetic Transference - 3 Node: Blocked attacks cause the Defender to gain 10% Power. If the Blocked attack dealt 0 damage, the amount of Power gained is doubled.
- Oscillate - 3 Node: Every 15 seconds, the Defender alternates between a Fury passive increasing Base Attack by 300% and an Armor Up/Crit Resistance passive increasing Armor and Crit Resist by 3,000.
- Enhanced Special 1 Node: Special 1 deals 30% more damage and the first medium hit or instant projectile hit, such as that from a beam or psychic blast, is Unblockable. Projectiles with flight time, such as an arrow or rock, are not Unblockable.
- Aggression - Regeneration Node: Every 2 seconds on a timer, gain a Regeneration passive that heals 0.25% of Max Health every second per stack. When struck, reset the timer and remove a Regeneration passive stack.
- Warlock
- Corvus Glaive
- Void
- Omega Red
- Blade
- Captain America IW (Synergy with any Tech Champ)
- Captain Marvel Movie (Synergy With Nick Fury)
💥 Rogue (5th Boss)
⚡ Global Node -
- Champion Boost : +100% Attack & Health.
- Health : +100% Health.
- Special Thanks : This fight created with the help of Dragonfei
- Warning : 3rd special attack has been activated!
- Aggression - Regeneration Node: Every 2 seconds on a timer, gain a Regeneration passive that heals 0.25% of Max Health every second per stack. When struck, reset the timer and remove a Regeneration passive stack.
- Invade Node: Both champions have 100% Block Penetration and 300% increased attack when hitting a Block.
- Brawl Node: Every 10 seconds, both Champions gain an Unstoppable passive for 5 seconds.
- Aspect of Death Node: As this Defender activates a Special Attack, their successful hits become lethal for 4 seconds plus 1 additional second(s) for each knocked out member of the Attacker's team.
- Warlock
- Corvus Glaive
- Void
- Captain America IW (Synergy with any Tech Champ)
- She Hulk
- Spider Gwen
- Captain Marvel Movie (Synergy With Nick Fury)
💥 Black Widow Claire Voyant (Final Boss)
⚡ Global Node -
- Champion Boost : +100% Attack & Health.
- Health : +100% Health.
- Special Thanks : This fight created with the help of Starfighter0717
- Warning : 3rd special attack has been activated!
- Mighty Charge - 2 Node: While performing a Medium dash attack, Defender is immune to Debuffs and Unstoppable.
- Safeguard Node: Prevents champion from losing more than 1% Health from a single source.
- Empowered Immunity Node: Whenever this champion would receive a debuff they are immune to, they generate 33% of a Bar of Power.
- Metador Node: The attacker gain 1 bar of power every time the Defender Activated a Special Attack. This is the only way the attacker can gain power in this fight.
- Curse of Death Node: When the Defender reaches 20 clairvoyance charges they are immediately removed and replaced with Death Touch, lasting indefinitely. Death Touch is not affacted by Ability Accuracy reduction and can only stack 1 time.
- Captain America IW
- Void
- Red Hulk
- Thing
- Ghost
- Nick Fury
- Quake
- She Hulk
- Spider Gwen
- Luke Cage
📌 Video Guide :
💥 IWD Boss Rush Walk Through | Marvel Contest of Champions By Katy Candy
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