Image Credit - Marvel Fandom
Hello friends,
Looking for guide to defeat Mister Fantastic ? Then checkout following Video Guide + Best champs suggestion.
⚡ Uncollected Event Quest : When Titans Clash!
⚡ Boss - Mister Fantastic
😎 Key Of Success = Perfect Champ + Your Skill.
⭐️ Imp Note -
📌 Video Guide :
💥How To Defeat Mister Fantastic - When Titans Clash! Uncollected By Giz -
😎 Key Of Success = Perfect Champ + Your Skill.
⭐️ Imp Note -
- Don't use special attack if sting Debuff is applied/activated on your champ...
- Use Evade counter champ or Who has True Strike, Slow Debuff like abilities.
- You can use other champs too but keep in mind you need to do parry and hit for the duration of the stun only.
- Quake
- Black Widow (Duped High Sig lvl)
- Archangel - Duped (Parry + Spam Heavy)
- Domino Synergy with Rulk (Parry + Spam Heavy)
- Karnak (Spam Special 1)
- Iceman (Spam Special 1)
- Heimdall (Spam Special 1)
- Spider Gwen (Spam Heavy for Slow Debuff Purpose)
- She Hulk (Spam Heavy for Slow Debuff Purpose)
- Spider Man - Stalth Suit aka Night Monkey (Activate Slow Debuff - Pre Fight abilities)
- Corvus Glaive (Synergy With Proxima Midnight)
- Iron Man IW (Parry + Combo hit like : M L L L L)
- Stark Spidey (Gain 10 Poise Charge and Spam Heavy)
- Nick Fury (After 5+ Tactical Charge Opponent can't evade)
- Ghost
- Killmonger
- Crossbones
- Gwenpool
- Elektra
📌 Video Guide :
💥How To Defeat Mister Fantastic - When Titans Clash! Uncollected By Giz -
💥How to EASILY defeat Mister Fantastic (Uncollected) Smart Breakdown By Unofficial Kabam Mike -
💥How to defeat Mister fantastic easily |Uncollected| By Jason Voorhees【MCOC】-
💥Karnak Vs Uncollected Mister Fantastic By Nick136 -
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