Champion Spotlight – Captain America (Infinity War)

Image Credit - Marvel Contest Of Champions
📌 Tags :
#Hero #Avengers
#Defensive: Utility
📌 About Captain America (Infinity War)

📌 Abilities :
➥ Kinetic Potential – Passive
- Captain America’s vibranium vambraces can store up to 5 Kinetic Potential charges. He will not generate any new Kinetic Potential charges while at this limit.
- 15% Chance when Struck to gain 1 Kinetic Potential.
- 50% Chance when Blocking to gain +1 Kinetic Potential. This chance increases to 100% on a Well Timed Block.
- 100% Chance to gain +1 Kinetic Potential when Stunned.
- Kinetic Potential falls off over time, falling off faster the longer its been since it last increased.
➥ Kinetically Charged – Passive
- As long as Captain America has at least 1 Kinetic Potential, he’s is considered to be Kinetically Charged, and gains the following bonuses as Passive effects:
- +574 Attack
- +666 Physical Resist
- +666 Energy Resist
- +30% chance to cause opponent’s attacks to Glance. Glancing Hits cannot be Critical, deal 50% reduced damage, and suffer -100% Offensive Ability Accuracy. This chance increases by 100% against Mystic Champions.
- 100% chance to Nullify Unstoppable Buffs on hit.
★ Developer Note : These abilities don’t stack, they just turn on as long as Captain America has at least 1 Kinetic Potential charge.
➥ Heavy Attack – Passive
- Beginning to charge a Heavy Attack grants a Passive Fury granting +574 Attack per Kinetic Potential, lasting for 5 seconds.
📌 Special Attacks :
- After any Special Attack, Captain America consumes all Kinetic Potential.
- 100% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 287 Direct Damage over 3.5 seconds.
- Reduces Opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 100% if Kinetically Charged.
➥ Special 2 -
- 100% chance to Stun for 1 second.
- Each Kinetic Potential charge grants +574 Attack and +0.50 second(s) Stun Duration.
- If Kinetically Charged gain +1148 Attack for each different Class on Cap’s team, not including himself, up to 2 Classes.
- Gain 1 Non-Consumable Kinetic Potential charge which lasts 30 seconds.
📌 Captain America (Infinity War) Special Moves :
➥ Marvel Contest of Champions (Official YouTube Channel) :
📌 Recommended Masteries :
➥ Inequity - With his Signature Ability and the right teammates, Cap is capable of putting a lot of Debuffs on his opponent, allowing him to make great use of this mastery.
➥ Despair - Combining Despair with his natural ability to place Petrify Debuffs on his opponent can make for a powerful combination.
➥ Petrify - Cap can do a lot of Stunning, both through Well Timed Blocks, and through his Special 2 Attack. This let’s Cap keep the Petrify effect active for much of the fight.
📌 Hint :
➥ Strong Matchups :
Dormammu - Dormammu is a good matchup for Cap, who doesn’t trigger any Buffs naturally, and his Science Experiment Synergy will reduce the damage he takes from Dormammu’s Degeneration if it does trigger.
Juggernaut - As long as Cap can remain Kinetically Charged, he will remove Juggernaut’s unstoppable effects simple by attacking into him.
Magik - Cap’s Petrify Debuffs will help counter both Limbo and Mystic Dispersion. Combine this with his Special 1 Attack’s Ability Accuracy reduction to help prevent Limbo from even triggering in the first place.
➥ Weak Matchups :
Crossbones - Crossbones’ ability to convert Debuffs into Fury effects, as well as reduce Defensive Ability Accuracy, makes him well equipped to deal with Cap’s Debuffs, reduce the chance of him gaining Kinetic Potential, and triggering his Glance.
Taskmaster - Taskmaster’s ability to resist Debuffs, as well as his Concussions and bonus damage based on Debuffs let him bypass many of Cap’s abilities.
Rogue - Rogue’s ability to quickly shrug off Debuffs keeps Captain America from being able to build up multiple stacks of them, and her ability to control when she steals Health or Power let’s her avoid the reduction of Cap’s Petrifies.
📌 Video Guide By DarkZodiacINC :
➥ How to use Captain America (Infinity War) - Marvel Contest Of Champions
⚡ For More Details Visit MCOC Official Page :
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