Image Credit - Marvel Contest Of Champions
📌 About Medusa :

⚡ For More Details Visit MCOC Official Page :
📌 About Heavy/Crit Hit + Special Attack :
100% chance to inflict Bleed if Armor Shattered is active, dealing 25.66 damage per second until Armor Shattered expires.
➥ Special 1 : Split Ends – Medusa individually controls each strand of her hair to subdue opponents with a 4-hit combo.
Medusa inflicts a 4-hit combo, each breaking the opponent’s Armor and reducing their Armor Rating by 352.94 per stack for 6 seconds.
➥ Special 2 : Swinging Strands – Medusa swings her body, striking her opponents with a combination of sword and hair attacks.
Medusa performs a 10-hit combo, each hit has a 60% chance to inflict Bleed if Armor Shattered is active, dealing 513.2 Direct Damage over 2 seconds.
Stuns the opponent for 3.5 seconds if Armor Shattered is inactive.
➥ Special 3 : Rite of Royalty – Wielding blades in her hands and hair, Medusa shows her opponents that she is the Inhuman Queen for a reason.
Inflicts Armor Shattered, reducing the opponent’s Armor Rating by 2444.45 for 35 seconds.
📌 Medusa Special Moves -
➥ Marvel Contest of Champions (Official YouTube Channel) :
📌 Recommended Masteries :
➥ Deep Wounds : Medusa’s Special 2 is able to inflict a lot of short Bleeds, Deep Wounds will more than double the damage inflicted by those Bleeds.
Additionally, when the opponent’s Armor is Shattered, Medusa will constantly inflict Bleeds through her Sword Attacks, quickly finishing opponents off when she has more Health Points than them.
➥ Extended and Enhanced Fury : Medusa can get a lot of Fury Buffs when awakened, extending their duration and enhancing their effectiveness will add a lot more burst damage capacity especially when pairing that with her Armor Breaks, Bleeds, and the Inhuman Royal Family synergy with Black Bolt and Karnak.
➥ Parry : Medusa’s signature ability, Living Strands provides a chance to break the opponent’s combo by activating an Auto-Block.
This ability can not only save you from a deadly combo, but can also Stun the opponent if you have the Parry Mastery, allowing Medusa to safely start her own combo.
📌 Strong Match-ups :
➥ Black Panther (Civil War) : Medusa’s new Armor Shattered Debuff prevents opponents from activating their Armor Buffs, meaning Black Panther will not be able to take advantage of his Reflect Stun ability.
➥ Ultron, Vision (Robots), Sentinel : Armor Shattered has a pretty long duration, and against Robots it has an extremely potent bonus which is reducing their Ability Accuracy to 0. A great counter to Ultron’s Regeneration and Vision’s Power Gain effects.
📌 Weak Match-ups :
➥ Doctor Strange : Medusa heavily relies on her Fury Buffs to Auto Block and for general damage output. Doctor Strange not only has the power to passively Nullify those Buffs, but also has Class Advantage against Cosmic Champions.
➥ Scarlet Witch : Critical Hits have a X% chance to Nullify, removing 1 Buff(s) from the opponent.
➥ Magik :
Special Attack 1 - 100% chance to Nullify.
Special Attack 3 - 100% chance to Nullify.
➥ Doctor Voodoo : Special Attack 1 - 50% chance to Nullify.
➥ The Hood : X% Chance to Stagger the opponent, preventing them from gaining their next buff for 7.50 seconds.
➥ Colossus, Ghost Rider : Bleed Immune Champions greatly reduces Medusa’s burst damage capabilities.
⚡ For More Details Visit MCOC Official Page :
📌Video Guide By DarkZodiacINC :
How to use Medusa - Marvel Contest Of Champions
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