Thank You Marvel Contest Of Champions #Kabam for 3 yrs.entertainment :)

The MCOC 3rd Year Anniversary Calendar kicks off on December 10th, and includes -
- Energy Refills
- Health Potions
- Golden Crystals
- Collector Crystals which contain 1 and 2-Star Champions
- A Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystal for the final day!
Featured Items!
- 50% off! on these randomly selected items include: Energy Refills, Alliance Team Revives, Alliance Team Health Potions, Team Revives, Team Health Potions, Revives, and Health Potions.
- There is a purchase limit of 20 for each of these items and the price will increase with each purchase of that item. (Items will not reset during the week.) Check back everyday from December 10th-17th to see what’s available and ensure you don’t miss your chance!
Special Boost!
- From December 10th - 17th, receive a 20% increase to all Gold, Battle Chips and Summoner XP earned. Summoner’s must be level 6+ to receive this Boost. Summoner’s who recently reached level 6 must relaunch Marvel Contest of Champions to start taking advantage of the 3 Year Anniversary Boost.
Anniversary Gift to all Summoners :
- 25x 4-Star Signature Stone Crystals
- 10x 5-Star Signature Stone Crystals
Free 3 star & 4star champ.
- 4-Star Howard the Duck for Summoners that have been playing since before December 10th, 2016
- 3-Star Howard the Duck for Summoners that joined the fight after December 10th, 2016
Anniversary Titles :
- S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent - For Summoners who have been playing for under one year.
- Avenger On Call - For Summoners who have been playing for over one year.
- Seasoned Summoner - For Summoners who have been playing for over two years.
- Howling Commando - For Summoners who have been a part of the Contest since the very beginning!
Thank You Marvel Contest Of Champions #Kabam

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