MCOC Concierge, or MC3 for short, is a chat-bot for the Line app designed to be a one-stop shop for all your MCOC needs.
Let's walk through the keywords that we have active at this time and what features they have...
AQ :
- Interactive Maps - Hosted by Trucos and using the Frogspawn style, these maps allow you to manage paths and players for AQ. Currently we have Maps 4 and 5 ready, but will add more in the near future.
- Maps - Static Maps that you can save and share with your alliance. They also include all of the detailed information for all the local nodes.
- Boss Practice - A graphic that gives you different sparring targets for all of the minis and boss in AQ.
AW :
- Interactive Map - Again, the Frogspawn style maps, hosted by Trucos, that allow you to manage paths.
- Comprehensive Map - A graphic that can be shared with your alliance that outlines the different nodes and also gives color-coded paths.
Alliance Hub :
- This is one of the largest projects of this bot. It is a google spreadsheet system that allows you to track prestige of individual members, manage paths for each battlegroup in both AQ and AW, and send notifications to a player if their node is cleared in AQ or AW. It is a huge tool and we think that it will be invaluable to the community. Instructions on how to set it up are on the first page when you open it up.
Arenas :
- Information on how to get your streak started as well as a link to the spreadsheet that gives you all of the previous arena cutoffs.
Calendars :
- We have calendars for the daily class rotation, monthly events/arenas, as well as premium release and basic arena schedules.
Duels :
- A link to the community spreadsheet for easy Duel targets as well as Sparring Targets for practice. We will also update this keyword when the Duel Skirmish event is active.
Mastery :
- We have revived the RoninNupe guide for Masteries that the community has loved for so long. It is updated to include his opinions on the latest masteries.
News :
- This will link you to our Wordpress site that we will keep constantly updated with the latest news. Any major news updates will be pushed out to you through a mass message, but we don't want to bombard you with messages about small news updates.
Prestige :
- The prestige calculator that also ties in to the Alliance Hub sheet as well as the trusty spreadsheet that allows you to see all prestige values for all champions so that you can choose your rank-ups wisely.
Recruiting :
- How many times have you needed a reliable source of recruits when someone gets kicked or leaves? We hope that this tool is going to be the end of those recruiting frustrations.
- For Recruits - Along the top row of buttons, you have three choices, Maps 1-3, Maps 4 and up, and T4C Chasers. Choose the one that best suits your desired situation and fill out the form that follows. Your submission will stay active for a certain amount of time, depending on your choice of difficulty. Please be aware that the information that you share on this sheet will be public and you won't be able to delete it once you submit it.
- For Recruiters - The bottom row contains three corresponding buttons with all of the responses to the form. Use this to get in contact with recruits and discuss details of joining.
Special Quests :
- Guides to ROL, RTTL, LOL, and the Monthly Quest
Receive Line Notifications on your device from TRUCOS : https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40nrb5475a
So how do you add the bot? If you do a search in the Line app for @mcocconcierge , it should show up!
I m trying to ad chat bot. But unfortunately haven't find it using this keyword. So anyone can help me ?
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